Memory Enhancement by Targeting NR2B Cell Surface Regulation
Many neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, are characterized by learning and memory deficits, for which cognitive enhancement is considered a valid treatment strategy. Plattner and coll...
Connecting the Dots: Linking Sirtuins and AMPK in Metabolism and Aging
Connecting the Dots: Linking Sirtuins and AMPK in Metabolism and Aging - Vittorio Sartorelli and Marcella Fulco discuss their identification of a nutrient-sensing pathway that governs the differentiat...
Jin et al. present HEMNMA method that allows more extensive analyses of gradual conformational changes in large macromolecular complexes from electron microscopy images. The featured movie captures an...
Hudson and colleagues shed light on ionic bromide, a micronutrient essential for animal life and its importance for the assembly of basement membranes and epithelial tissue development....
Central Control of Insect Locomotion - Insect locomotion, for example walking, depends on stereotypical movements that are generated locally by neural circuits - but, as John Bender and Roy Ritzmann e...
Rachel Dutton and colleagues describe how analysis of microbes residing on different types of cheese across the world can provide insight into microbial communities' assembly and function....
Membrane Potential Dynamics and Synchrony - Computations in cortical circuits are mediated by synaptic interactions between excitatory and inhibitory neurons, but little is known about the activity of...
Avoiding Ribosome Traffic Jams - Optimization of protein synthesis for efficiency is thought to be highly important for evolutionary fitness. Watch and listen as Yitzhak Pilpel and Tamir Tuller take y...
Auditory Stimulus Selection in Rodents and the Cocktail Party Problem
We must often focus on important sounds in our environment while ignoring others—sometimes called the "cocktail party problem." In this video, Dr. Chris Rodgers explains how rats were traine...
Restoring Reality Monitoring in Schizophrenia - Reality monitoring, the ability to distinguish internally generated information from external experiences, is impaired in schizophrenia patients. In an ...
CONVERSATIONS IN THE BRAIN: How neural progenitor cells control their own fate
Neurogenesis relies on a delicate balance between progenitor maintenance and neuronal production. Oscar Marin and colleagues find that the Robo1 and Robo2 receptors and their Slit protein ligands, kno...