Human Owls, Larks, and Sports Performance - The circadian body clock plays an important role in the determination of performance in athletes. Human larks perform better earlier in the day, while human...
Subdomain Targeting by Cooperating Axon-Axon Signaling and Chemoattraction
The habenula is organized in different subnuclei that receive specific afferent inputs. Jeroen Pasterkamp and colleagues show how pretarget axon-axon interactions, mediated by the cell adhesion molecu...
Getting Paid What You're Worth. Evelyn Murphy speaks about “How to get paid what you’re worth” at the Cell Press/AWIS LabLinks meeting on The Gender of Science and the Science of Gender held on Thursd...
Visual control of octopus arm movements - Octopuses are known among invertebrates for their sophisticated behavior and the task they face of controlling eight flexible arms is a daunting one. As expla...
A Gene-by-Gene Guide to a Complex Organ - The complexity of organ development is an untapped resource for systems-wide mapping of genetic networks. Now, Karen Oegema and coworkers combine genomics tec...
A Simple Grammar Defines Activating and Repressing cis-Regulatory Elements in Photoreceptors. Transcription factors often activate and repress different target genes in the same cell. How activation a...
Homologous chromosomes find each other and align correctly during meiosis with the help of the cytoskeleton, new work by Dernburg and colleagues shows. Watch......
A New Way to Make Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells - Dr. Edward Morrisey at the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Medicine reports on a new way to make induced pluripotent stem cells with miRNA...
PLANTS Opinion Ecological understanding of root-infecting fungi
Created by Matthias C. Rillig and colleagues and featuring Carlos A. Aguilar-Trigueros. Read the related Review in the July 2014 issue of Trends in Plant Science at
CRISPR-Cas9 has been repurposed to precisely edit the genome. In this video and the Cell paper published in the December 15 issue of Cell, Alan Davidson's group at the University of Toronto and Erik S...