Li et al. show that thalamocortical neurotransmission is required for the normal columnar, laminar, morphologic, and molecular-genetic development of sensory cortex....
Epigenetics and the influence of our genes | Courtney Griffins | TEDxOU
Erica Watson and colleagues find that genetic deficiency in folate metabolism in maternal grandparents affects development of their wild-type grandprogeny, even if the mothers are also wild-type....
A Journey Into Entorhinal Cortex | Edvard and May-Britt Moser | NTNU
Kimberly Stroka and colleagues describe a propulsion mechanism for cancer cells that relies on a spatial gradient of channels and pumps in the plasma membrane, rather than acto-mysosin contractility....
Fast Track to the Cell Surface - Live-cell imaging reveals specialized actin-rich endosomal compartments that recycle receptors back to the surface at unprecedented speeds, explain Manoj Puthenveedu a...
The Synaptic Transcriptome - Using deep sequencing to identify mRNAs near the synapse, Erin Schuman and colleagues find that local translation at the synapse may be much more widespread than previousl...
Orchestrated amplification and differentiation of intermediate progenitors governs the evolutionary expansion of the cerebral cortex. Fang et al. report that Axin serves as a master scaffold that dete...
Visual control of octopus arm movements - Octopuses are known among invertebrates for their sophisticated behavior and the task they face of controlling eight flexible arms is a daunting one. As expla...