Our extra senses - Ilaria Zanardi (Italy - FameLab 2013 Intl Final) Ilaria Zanardi - YouTube... B&B: Stress induced lipid production in Chlorella vulgaris B&B: Stress induced lipid production in Chlorella vulgaris - YouTube... Medical students’ perception of their education and training - Video abstract [ID 233494] Video abstract of an original research "Medical Students’ Perception of Their Education and Training to Cope with Future Market Trends” published in the open access journal Advances in Medical Ed... This Fools Your Vision | Two Minute Papers #241 (1) This Fools Your Vision | Two Minute Papers #241... Pressure-controlled air-insufflated high-definition dacryoendoscopy – Video abstract ID 135234 Video abstract of original research type paper “Air-insufflated high-definition dacryoendoscopy yields significantly better image quality than conventional dacryoendoscopy” published in the open acces... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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