Campylobacter rectus infection leads to lung abscess - Video abstract [ID 316818] Video abstract of a case report paper "Campylobacter rectus infection leads to lung abscess:A case report and literature review" published in the open access journal Infection and Drug Resis... Creating cat states in one dimensional quantum walks using delocalized initial states Creating cat states in one dimensional quantum walks using delocalized initial states - Cat states are coherent quantum superpositions of macroscopically distinct states and are useful for understandi... YouTube Science Video Lucia Zivcakova (PhD Psychology) was runner up in the 2015 3MT at Laurier for her presentation, "Multitasking: Strategy or Obstacle?"... Deep Learning From Human Preferences | Two Minute Papers #196 (1) Deep Learning From Human Preferences | Two Minute Papers #196 ... B&B: Recombinant tagging system using ribosomal frameshifting to monitor protein expression B&B: Recombinant tagging system using ribosomal frameshifting to monitor protein expression - YouTube... B&B: Probing effects of pressure release on virus capture using confocal microscopy Biotech -- Probing effects of pressure release on virus capture using confocal microscopy... B&B: The induction of pro-angiogenic processes within an endometrial inspired collagen scaffold B&B: The induction of pro-angiogenic processes within an endometrial inspired collagen scaffold - YouTube... Identifying patients from the Danish National Patient Registry - Video abstract [ID 353215] Video abstract of an original research "Importance of Reporting Complete Procedures of Identifying Patients from the Danish National Patient Registry: the Case of Neonatal Jaundice and Epilepsy&q... Tame Galois Realizations of GL2(Fℓ) over Q⋆ Tame Galois Realizations of GL2(Fℓ) over Q⋆ by Sara Arias-de-Reyna y N´uria Vila
Dept. d`Algebra i Geometria, Universitat de Barcelona... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Computer Science