Urban Tipping Point project: Shivani Satija Shivani Satija (Institute for Human Development, India) discusses the progress and findings of research in Patna, India for the Urban Tipping Point project.... Fact or Fiction: Do children really hate vegetables Fact or Fiction: Do children really hate vegetables - YouTube... Three Minute Thesis 2013 - Sayyed Ali Hosseini Thesis presentation on Model Based Simulation of Broaching Operation: Cutting Mechanics, Surface Integrity and Process Optimization by Sayyed Ali Hosseini, UOIT Graduate Student, Mechanical Engineerin... IBD patients prioritize mucosal healing, symptom control and pain – Video abstract ID 152872 Video abstract of original research paper “Inflammatory bowel disease patients prioritize mucosal healing, symptom control, and pain when choosing therapies: results of a prospective cross-sectional w... B&B: Impact of Tat pathway enhancement on processing B&B: Impact of Tat pathway enhancement on processing - YouTube... YouTube Science Video Superluminal Communication, using quantum entanglement to communicate faster than light. 2014 Kavli Science Video Contest winner.... In Vivo Self-Powered Wireless Cardiac Monitoring Via Implantable Triboelectric Nanogenerator In Vivo Self-Powered Wireless Cardiac Monitoring Via Implantable Triboelectric Nanogenerator - Harvesting biomechanical energy in vivo is an important route in obtaining sustainable electric energy fo... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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