Silent Oceans: the effect of ocean acidification on marine sounds - Video Abstract Silent oceans: ocean acidification impoverishes natural soundscapes by altering sound production of the world's noisiest marine invertebrate.
Rossi, T., Connell, S. D., & Nagelkerken, I.
Proc. R... Photoplethysmography and mortality in intensive care units - Video abstract [ID 172643] Video abstract of an original research "Use of photoplethysmography to predict mortality in intensive care units" published in the open access journal Vascular Health and Risk Management by ... Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us about Morality What is morality? Where does it come from? And why do most of us heed its call most of the time? In Braintrust, neurophilosophy pioneer Patricia Churchland argues that morality originates in the biolo... Understanding Infants' Genetic and Environmental Risk for Depression - Jaclyn Ludmer, Ontario 3MT Understanding Infants' Genetic and Environmental Risk for Depression - Jaclyn Ludmer, Ontario. Her research is conducted in the area of developmental psychopathology, the study of the biological, psy... IBD patients prioritize mucosal healing, symptom control and pain – Video abstract ID 152872 Video abstract of original research paper “Inflammatory bowel disease patients prioritize mucosal healing, symptom control, and pain when choosing therapies: results of a prospective cross-sectional w... Knock Knock Doc - Episode Intersaison - L'envol Knock Knock Doc - Episode 04 # Saison 1 : Les champs de Barkhanes - YouTube... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)