Let Hunger be Your Guide: Eating When We are Not Hungry is Bad for Our Health Let Hunger be Your Guide: Eating When We are Not Hungry is Bad for Our Health - YouTube... B&B: Visualizing cellulase activity B&B: Visualizing cellulase activity - YouTube... Safer Targets for Development of Anti-inflammatory Drugs - Video abstract [ID 278514] Video abstract of a review paper "Overview on the Discovery and Development of Anti-inflammatory Drugs: Should the Focus be on Synthesis or Degradation of PGE2?" published in the open access... Community health worker led asthma education program in South Texas - Video abstract [ID 351141] Video abstract of an original research "A cost-effectiveness analysis of a community health worker led asthma education program in South Texas" published in the open access Journal of Asthma... Risk factors for respiratory hospitalizations in COPD patients – Video abstract [ID 157230] Video abstract of original research paper “Risk factors for respiratory hospitalizations in a population of patients with a clinical diagnosis of COPD” published in the open access journal Internation... Lifitegrast in Dry Eye Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery - Video abstract [ID 264520] Video abstract of an original research "The Effect of Lifitegrast on Refractive Accuracy and Symptoms in Dry Eye Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery" published in the open access journal Cl... Social phobia and its impact on QoL among undergraduate students - Video abstract [ID 254002] Video abstract of an original research "Social phobia and its impact on quality of life among regular undergraduate students of Mettu University, Mettu, Ethiopia” published in the open access jou... Imaging the collective excitations of an ultracold gas using statistical correlations Imaging the collective excitations of an ultracold gas using statistical correlations - by Romain Dubessy, Camilla De Rossi, Thomas Badr, Laurent Longchambon and Hélène Perrin (Romain Dubessy et al 20... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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