Ora Secunda Cerclage (OSC/SS) for RD in Stickler Syndrome - Video abstract [ID 284441] Video abstract of a case series paper "Stickler Syndrome (SS): Laser Prophylaxis for Retinal Detachment (Modified Ora Secunda Cerclage, OSC/SS)" published in the open access journal Clinical... Galois uniformity in quadratic dynamics over k(t) Galois uniformity in quadratic dynamics over k(t) - YouTube... Topography-guided PTK combined with topographically customizable variable fluence CXL Video abstract of original research paper “ Management of progressive keratoconus with partial topography-guided PRK combined with refractive, customized CXL – a novel technique: the enhanced Athens P... Finalization and validation of questionnaire and algorithm of SPUR - Video abstract [ID 354705] Video abstract of an original research "Finalization and validation of questionnaire and algorithm of SPUR, a new adherence profiling tool" published in the open access journal Patient Prefe... B&B: Probing effects of pressure release on virus capture using confocal microscopy Biotech -- Probing effects of pressure release on virus capture using confocal microscopy... Fate of disorder induced inhomogeneities in strongly correlated d wave superconductors Video abstract for the article ‘Fate of disorder-induced inhomogeneities in strongly correlated d-wave superconductors‘ by Debmalya Chakraborty and Amit Ghosal (Debmalya Chakraborty and Amit Ghosal 20... Emphysematous cystitis: diagnosis and management challenges - Video abstract [ID 210463] Video abstract of a review paper "Emphysematous cystitis: review of current literature, diagnosis and management challenges” published in the open access journal Veterinary Medicine: Research and... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)