Mihnea Ioan Nicolescu - Famelab Interview 2018 (4) Mihnea Ioan Nicolescu - Famelab Interview 2018 ... Video Abstract: "Quadricuspid Aortic Valve Defined by Echocardiography and Cardiac..." "Quadricuspid Aortic Valve Defined by Echocardiography and Cardiac..." In this video abstract, Dr Daniel W. Karlsberg speaks about his article "Quadricuspid Aortic Valve Defined by Echo... Community health worker led asthma education program in South Texas - Video abstract [ID 351141] Video abstract of an original research "A cost-effectiveness analysis of a community health worker led asthma education program in South Texas" published in the open access Journal of Asthma... Hormonal contraceptive use and lipid profile in Ghanaian women - Video abstract [59852] Video abstract of original RESEARCH "Hormonal contraceptive use and lipid profile in Ghanaian women - Video abstract" published in the open access International Journal of Women's Health ... Arithmetic of the Ramanujan-G\"{o}llnitz-Gordon... Arithmetic of the Ramanujan-G"{o}llnitz-Gordon Continued Fraction by Bumkyu Cho; Ja Kyung Koo; Yoon Kyung Park at
Department of Mathematical Sciences at KAIST in Korea... Autonomous, self-contained soft robotic fish at MIT Soft robots — which don't just have soft exteriors but are also powered by fluid flowing through flexible channels — have become a sufficiently popular research topic that they now have their own jour... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)