Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Baculovirus for miRNA delivery and sustained gene suppression Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Baculovirus for miRNA delivery and sustained gene suppression - YouTube... 2012 UBC Three Minute Thesis (3MT) - Finalist Baillie Redfern Baillie Redfern from UBC Genome Science and Technology presented the topic "Engineering the perfect perfume".... The Once and Future Computer: Post-Moore Mechanical Circuits Hot Topics at EECS Research Centers: Graduate student researchers from across the EECS research centers share their work with a rapid fire sequence of fun, 5 minute presentations.
Presenter: Matthew ... How Cells Remodel after DNA Damage - Ellie Juarez - Three Minute Thesis Ellie Juarez
Molecular and Medical Genetics
Oregon Health & Science University
How Cells Remodel after DNA Damage... B&B: Gluconeogenesis and Properties of PHB from Glycerol B&B: Gluconeogenesis and Properties of PHB from Glycerol - YouTube... 3MT ’15-Muhammad Faizan Khan/Civil and Environmental Engineering Muhammad Faizan Khan presents on “Oil/Gas or Water: Is one more important than the other?” as part of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research's 3 Minute Thesis competition. ... Using Omni Wheels to Produce Holonomic Movement In general, vehicles can move in two ways, along the forward-backward axis (x-axis) and by rotation, but they cannot usually move along the left-right axis (y-axis). However, it is possible to use omn... Vimeo Science Video How and When Metals Fail. A Physics Based Model for the Ductile Failure of Metals
From the millions of miles of aging pipelines to the intricate workings of a wind turbine, metals are ubiquitous. Of ... B&B: Physiological effects of free fatty acid production in genetically engineered S. elongatus B&B: Physiological effects of free fatty acid production in genetically engineered S. elongatus - YouTube... Research for a Thirsty World Research for a Thirsty World, MIT | Civil and Environmental Engineering. video on the connections between the water cycle and society’s pervasive use of the land. Their video highlights efforts to dev... Christopher Cox -GRADUATE THEORETICAL AWARD: First Prize GRADUATE THEORETICAL AWARD @ GWU: First Prize:
Primary Author: Christopher Cox, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Project Title: “Development of a fast algorithm for solving the unst... YouTube Science Video Ali won both the judges prize and the People's Choice Award for his talk on his research into wireless structural health monitoring in the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering... B&B: Metabolomics for lipid accumulation in microalgae B&B: Metabolomics for lipid accumulation in microalgae - YouTube... Akhil Chandra - UNDERGRADUATE AWARD: First Prize Primary Author: Akhil Chandra, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Project Title: “Measuring Physiological Response of Bisphenol-A on Cardiac Excitation-Contraction Coupling”
UNDERGRADUATE AWARD @ GW... B&B: Scale-up and intensification of (S)-1-(2-chlorophenyl)ethanol bioproduction B&B: Scale-up and intensification of (S)-1-(2-chlorophenyl)ethanol bioproduction - YouTube... B&B: Stoichiometric modeling of oxidation of RISCs in Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans B&B: Stoichiometric modeling of oxidation of RISCs in Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans - YouTube... University of Calgary Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) 2014 - Diana Powers 2014 #UCalgary3MT Finalist Diana Powers from Chemical Engineering presented "Asphaltenes, troublemakers in crude oil operations and refineries".... B&B: Breakage of transgenic tobacco roots for monoclonal antibody release Video Highlight from Eli Keshavarz-Moore on her recently published B&B paper entitled "Breakage of transgenic tobacco roots for monoclonal antibody release i...... B&B: Investigation of Chlorella vulgaris cultures using response surface methodology B&B: Investigation of Chlorella vulgaris cultures using response surface methodology - YouTube... Clemson University 3-Minute Thesis 3rd Place (tie), 2014, Julian Velez (Chemical Engineering) Julian Velez, a PhD student in chemical engineering at Clemson University, describes his research as part of the 3-Minute Thesis competition at Clemson. The title of his presentation is "Recoveri... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)