High-Density 2D Homo- and Hetero- Plasmonic Dimers with Universal Sub-10-nm Gaps High-Density 2D Homo- and Hetero- Plasmonic Dimers with Universal Sub-10-nm Gaps - Fabrication of high-density plasmonic dimers on a large (wafer) scale is crucial for applications in surface-enhanced... Landing the Mars Rover - Leon Vanstone (FameLab 2013 UK Final) Leon Vanstone FameLab UK 2013 Finalist & Winner - YouTube... Georgina Humphreys - 2009 Finalist - Showreel Georgina Humphreys - 2009 Finalist - Showreel - YouTube... Fish Biodiversity Loss in a High-CO2 World/ Curr. Biol., Jul. 6, 2017 (Vol. 27, Issue 14) Fish Biodiversity Loss in a High-CO2 World. Nagelkerken et al. (University of Adelaide) show that ocean acidification can reduce fish biodiversity. This is due to the indirect effects of elevated CO2 ... Distribution characteristics of 1439 strains of CR-ECO - Video abstract [ID 334283] Video abstract of an original research "Distribution characteristics of 1439 strains of carbapenem-resistant Escherichia coli in China" published in the open access journal Infection and Dru... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)