Apoptosis and mitosis; 37 trillion reasons you're a winner Apoptosis and mitosis; 37 trillion reasons you're a winner - YouTube... The RFID Ecosystem Project The RFID Ecosystem is a large-scale project with participants from various research groups at the University of Washington's Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The project investigates RF... Socioeconomic status and womens preferences for contraceptive providers - Video abstract 51852 The influence of socioeconomic status on women's preferences for modern contraceptive providers in Nigeria: a multilevel choice modeling. Contraceptives are one of the most cost effective public healt... The p-adic Arakawa-Kaneko zeta functions and p-adic Lerch transcendent The p-adic Arakawa-Kaneko zeta functions and p-adic Lerch transcendent. By Young, Paul Thomas*
*Department of Mathematics
College of Charleston... 7 Minute Dissertation - The Consequences of Predator Extinctions in the Ocean A presentation at the DISCCRS symposium of my dissertation in 7 minutes, with a special emphasis on climate change ramifications. Note, the acoustics in the room were not great. Thanks to the Urban Ma... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Climate Change