B&B: Visualizing cellulase activity Video Highlight from Patricia Bubner on her recently published B&B paper entitled "Visualizing cellulase activity" (Patricia Bubner, Harald Plank, Bernd Nidetzky). Read the paper on Wile... Foteini Kalampalika - Famelab Interview 2018 (4) Foteini Kalampalika - Famelab Interview 2018 ... Vitamin E: Nanoformulations to enhance bioavailability - Video abstract [ID 276355] Video abstract of a review paper "Vitamin E nanoformulation strategies for improved delivery and bioavailability" published in the open access International Journal of Nanomedicine by Anis S... Biomedical Signals and Systems - Nick Fung - 20 seconds science Biomedical Signals and Systems - Nick Fung - 20 seconds science - YouTube... Stem cell-enriched fat transplantation for treatment of alopecia – Video abstract [ID 131431] Video abstract of an original research paper “Hair follicle growth by stromal vascular fractionenhanced adipose transplantation in baldness” published in the open access journal Stem Cells and Cloning... How the Beast really moves: Cayley analysis of mechanism realization spaces using CayMos How the Beast really moves: Cayley analysis of mechanism realization spaces using CayMos ... Autotransporters: The Cellular Environment Reshapes a Folding Mechanism to Promote Protein Transport Autotransporters: The Cellular Environment Reshapes a Folding Mechanism to Promote Protein Transport. In this video Ali Karim Ahmed, a sophomore in Clark's group, discusses the Perspective of Esther B... AI-Based 3D Pose Estimation: Almost Real Time! AI-Based 3D Pose Estimation: Almost Real Time! ... Surgeons' effect on patients' physical health: A systematic review - Video abstract [ID 357934] Video abstract of a review paper "Is there a surgeons' effect on patients' physical health, beyond the intervention, that requires further investigation? A systematic review" published in th... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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