Classical Conditioning - Ivan Pavlov Behavior conditioning video with clips from Pavlov's original experiments with dogs... Purdue Agriculture Research: Bacteria Microphages Purdue Agriculture Research: Bacteria Microphages. Dr. Paul Ebner, a Purdue professor in the department of animal science, explains his research in the area of bacteria microphages. This particular ty... Umbral Calculus associated with Bernoulli Polynomials Umbral Calculus associated with Bernoulli Polynomials by Kim, Dae San and Kim, Taekyun @ Department of Mathematics
Kwangwoon University... Hippo Signaling Regulates Microprocessor and Links Cell-Density-Dependent miRNA Biogenesis to Cancer Richard Gregory and colleagues reveal that the Hippo-signaling pathway and its downstream target YAP regulate miRNA biogenesis in a cell-density-dependent manner, which may be responsible for the wide... B&B: Atmospheric vs. anaerobic processing of metabolome samples in Clostridium acetobutylicum B&B: Atmospheric vs. anaerobic processing of metabolome samples in Clostridium acetobutylicum - YouTube... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)