Neural Image Stitching And Morphing | Two Minute Papers #256 (1) Neural Image Stitching And Morphing | Two Minute Papers #256 ... Rational series for multiple zeta and log gamma functions Rational series for multiple zeta and log gamma functions by Young, Paul Thomas in the Department of Mathematics at the
College of Charleston... On the p-adic completion of the units of a real abelian number field On the p-adic completion of the units of a real abelian number field by All, Timothy
from the Department of Mathematics
at The Ohio State University... B&B: Online monitoring of pilot scale filamentous fungal fermentation processes Lisa Mears on her recently published B&B paper entitled "Application of a mechanistic model as a tool for on-line monitoring of pilot scale filamentous fungal fermentation processes—The impor... A counterexample to the prime conjecture of expressing numbers using just ones A counterexample to the prime conjecture of expressing numbers using just ones by Wang, Venecia from the Department of Mathematics at ShaoGuan College... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Computer Science