B&B: Enzyme-driven bacillus spore coat degradation leading to spore killing B&B: Enzyme-driven bacillus spore coat degradation leading to spore killing - YouTube... Designing Cities and Furnitures With Machine Learning | Two Minute Papers #36 Designing Cities and Furnitures With Machine Learning | Two Minute Papers #36 ... Carleton Grad Research on Autism Relationships Kojo Mintah is a Master of Arts: Psychology student at Carleton University. He is researching how to help people with autism improve their romantic relationships under the supervisor of Dr. Shelley E... Google DeepMind's Deep Q-learning playing Atari Breakout! Google DeepMind's Deep Q-learning playing Atari Breakout... Vimeo Science Video Plant-soil feedbacks after severe tornado damage: Dance Your PhD 2014 Grand Prize Winner! Uma Nagendra - Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia. Many of the patterns we see in forests aro... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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