Interleukin-27 and interleukin-35 in de novo acute myeloid leukemia – Video abstract [ID 221301] Video abstract of original research paper “Interleukin-27 and interleukin-35 in de novo acute myeloid leukemia: expression and significance as biological markers” published in the ... How inflammation helps us with pain - Rachel Williams (FameLab 2014 UK Final) Rachel Williams - YouTube... A one-parameter family of Dirichlet series whose coefficients are Sturmian words A one-parameter family of Dirichlet series whose coefficients are Sturmian words - Kwon, DoYong*
Department of Mathematics,
Chonnam National University,... Synthesized Analyses and Treatments Abstract (Hanley et al., 2014) Greg Hanley discusses a recently published article on synthesized analyses and treatments for children with autism who display problem behavior. ... Choroidal neovascularization after intraocular foreign body - Video abstract [62312] Video abstract of case report paper Choroidal neovascularization after intraocular foreign body published in the open access journal by Ester Fernández-López, Mari Carmen Desco-Esteban, Adriana Fandiñ... Therapeutic effect of CCR1 antagonist BX471 on allergic rhinitis - Video abstract [ID 254717] Video abstract of an original research "Therapeutic Effect of C-C Chemokine Receptor Type 1 (CCR1) Antagonist BX471 on Allergic Rhinitis" published in the open access Journal of Inflammation... The One21 technique: An individualized treatment for glabellar lines - Video abstract [ID 281901] Video abstract of an original research "The One21 technique: An individualized treatment for glabellar lines based on clinical and anatomical landmarks"published in the open access journal C... TU Wien Rendering #26 - Low Discrepancy Sequences TU Wien Rendering #26 - Low Discrepancy Sequences ... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Computer Science