Vimeo Science Video Dance your PhD - 2014 Dance of the diatoms. I examine the periphytic (living on a substrate) algae (the diatoms) in Arctic lakes and ponds and how they shift in response to climate change. In particu... Physiotherapy for patients with Whiplash-Associated Disorders - Video abstract [ID 234800] Video abstract of an original research "Relationships Between Context, Process, and Outcome Indicators to Assess Quality of Physiotherapy Care in Patients with Whiplash-Associated Disorders: Appl... Biting into Whole Foods can Make Children Rowdy Biting into Whole Foods can Make Children Rowdy - YouTube... Determinants of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV In Public Hospitals - Video abstract [ID 299585] Video abstract of an original research "Determinants of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV In Public Hospitals of West Shewa Zone, Central Ethiopia: Case-control study." published in the op... Hungary Ágnes Kis Tóth Famelab 2018 Hungary Ágnes Kis Tóth Famelab 2018 ... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Public Health