Mick Short, Professor of English Language and Literature, Lancaster University Mick Short, Professor of English Language and Literature in the department of Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University. His main interests are in the linguistic stylistic analysis of ... B&B: Enhanced algal growth rate in a Taylor vortex reactor B&B: Enhanced algal growth rate in a Taylor vortex reactor - YouTube... U21 3MT Competition 2013 - First Place - Jamie Gallagher - University of Glasgow The judges awarded Jamie Gallagher of the University of Glasgow First Prize for his presentation entitled "Hot and Powerful" on the subject of nanostructured thermoelectronic materials. Jami... OnaBTX-A injections for pain control in chronic knee OA – Video abstract [ID 159841] Video abstract of case report paper "Beyond the muscular effects – onabotulinumtoxinA injections for pain control in chronic knee osteoarthritis: a case report" published in the o... Efficient Viscoelastic Fluid Simulations | Two Minute Papers #220 (1) Efficient Viscoelastic Fluid Simulations | Two Minute Papers #220 ... Three Minute Thesis - Nanocantilevers & medical diagnostics Overall winner & People's Choice award winner, Jennifer Campbell (Engineering Physics), presents her research ("Nanocantilevers: a new tool for medical diagnostics" ) in 3 minutes during... Witnesses to History: Children's Views of Race and the 2008 United States Presidential Election Watch Meagan Patterson discuss her article, Witnesses to History: Children's Views of Race and the 2008 United States Presidential Election, in this video abstract.... Breaking Deep Learning Systems With Adversarial Examples | Two Minute Papers #43 Breaking Deep Learning Systems With Adversarial Examples | Two Minute Papers #43 ... Trajectories of musculoskeletal healthcare utilization - Video abstract [ID 323903] Video abstract of an original research "Trajectories of musculoskeletal healthcare utilization of people with chronic pain – a population-based cohort study" published in the open access jou... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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