Vimeo Science Video Polymers are integral to the packaging industry given their versatility in application, ease of processing, and economic viability. However, due to their inferior thermal conductivity (k) these materi... Non-adherence to COVID-19 pandemic control instructions in DR Congo - Video abstract [ID 274944] Video abstract of an original research "Predictors of adherence to public health instructions during the COVID-19 pandemic, in DR Congo" published in the open access Journal of Multidiscipli... Global Medical Bionic Implants Industry to Witness 4.0% Growth in coming years (2021-2026) The global Medical Bionic Implants market was valued at US$ 16410 million in 2019 and is expected to reach US$ 21700 million by the end of 2026, growing at a CAGR of 4.0% during 2021-2026.
https://ww... A one-parameter family of Dirichlet series whose coefficients are Sturmian words A one-parameter family of Dirichlet series whose coefficients are Sturmian words - Kwon, DoYong*
Department of Mathematics,
Chonnam National University,... On the addition of squares of units and nonunits modulo $n$ On the addition of squares of units and nonunits modulo $n$. By Yang, Quan-Hui* and Tang, Min
*School of Mathematics and Statistics
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Nanjing 2... Hippocampal Memory Traces Are Differentially Modulated by Experience, Time, and Adult Neurogenesis Memory traces are believed to be ensembles of cells used to store memories. To visualize memory traces, Denny et al. created a transgenic line that allows for the comparison between cells activated du... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)