B&B: Advances in affinity ligand-functionalized nanomaterials for biomagnetic separation B&B: Advances in affinity ligand-functionalized nanomaterials for biomagnetic separation - YouTube... Vimeo Science Video Dolphin calves often wander away from their mothers, which can compromise their safety and survival. Mothers can retrieve their calves by physically pursuing them or by acoustically signaling their ca... On irrationality exponents of generalized continued fractions On irrationality exponents of generalized continued fractions - Hančl, Jaroslav, Leppälä, Kalle, Matala-aho, Tapani*, and Törmä, Topi
*Matematiikan Laitos
University of Oulu
Oulu, FINLAND... Science Video (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)