Applied Analysis - Jurgen Hebbink - 20 seconds science Applied Analysis - Jurgen Hebbink - 20 seconds science - YouTube... Planning the Boom to Prevent the Bust: Community Decision Making & Natural Resource Management Boom! Bust! Rural communities, past and present, have cycled between boom and bust phases with the extraction of natural resources such as coal, oil and timber. With the advent of hydraulic fracturing... Mini-scleral contact lens for Asian eyes post-penetrating keratoplasty - Video abstract [ID 295238] Video abstract of a case report paper "Mini-scleral contact lens for Asian eyes post-penetrating keratoplasty with smaller palpebral aperture: case reports" published in the open access jour... 2013 Univesity of Waterloo 3MT finalist: Shoeleh Shams Presentation title: Land Disturbances Impacts on Water Quality and Treatability
Shoeleh Shams, PhD candidate, Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering gives her Three Minute Thesis (3MT) presentation... Toward a one-system account of human reasoning - Joshua Mugg, Ontario 3MT Joshua Mugg works in philosophy of psychology and mind. His research centres on human rationality and the nature of belief. In his dissertation, he criticizes dual-process theories of reasoning on bot... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Research Methods