Synthesized Analyses and Treatments Abstract (Hanley et al., 2014) Greg Hanley discusses a recently published article on synthesized analyses and treatments for children with autism who display problem behavior. ... A Study about Time Spent with Partner & Relationship Satisfaction (ANOVA) This video is an example of an ANOVA research analysis. Moreover, the video focuses on the amount of one-on-one time a person spends with their significant other and their relationship satisfaction.... Video Abstract: Infant's action skill dynamically modulates parental action demonstration This is a video abstract for the upcoming article in Developmental Science entitled "Infant's action skill dynamically modulates parental action demonstration in the dyadic interaction" by H... Laura Gambrel, Mindfulness relationship education for expecting couples Laura Gambrel, Mindfulness relationship education for expecting couples. This video abstract discusses a two-part series in which we report on our evaluation of a mindfulness-based relationship enhanc... Three Minute Thesis (3MT) 2013 QUT finalist - Ezieddin M Jaballah Elmahjub Ezieddin M Jaballah Elmahjub, Law School, Faculty of Law was a participant in QUT's 2013 competition. He spoke about his research on intellectual property in Islamic Shari'a and the development of a L... Clemson University 3-Minute Thesis Winner (tie), 2014, Namrata Sengupta (Env. Toxicology) Namrata Sengupta, a PhD student in environmental toxicology at Clemson University, describes her research as part of the 3-Minute Thesis competition at Clemson. The title of her presentation is "... The Intersection of Flow (Optimal Experience) and Meditation (Contemplative Practice) The Intersection of Flow (Optimal Experience) and Meditation (Contemplative Practice) - Our team is interested in learning how to promote flourishing psychological well-being across many contexts incl... Three Minute Thesis (3MT) - 1st place winner Andrew Ming-Lum Andrew Ming-Lum from the UBC Faculty of Medicine (Experimental Medicine) presented in the inaugural UBC Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition on "Drugs from the Sea: for Treatment of Inflammatory... Understanding Infants' Genetic and Environmental Risk for Depression - Jaclyn Ludmer, Ontario 3MT Understanding Infants' Genetic and Environmental Risk for Depression - Jaclyn Ludmer, Ontario. Her research is conducted in the area of developmental psychopathology, the study of the biological, psy... YouTube Science Video 2015 UON Three Minute Thesis Finalist - Julia Dray, PhD, (Psychology) - Mental Health and Resilience in Adolescents... YouTube Science Video This program brings to life five of psychology's most significant studies: This video is of Ainsworth's Strange Situation Experiment, 1971 and 1978;... Diemer Video Abstract Watch Matthew Diemer discuss his article, Best Practices in Conceptualizing and Measuring Social Class in Psychological Research, in this video abstract.... 3MT ’15-Jaleh Shahin/Educational Psychology 3MT ’15-Jaleh Shahin/Educational Psychology - “Early Identification and Treatment of Physician Mental Health?”... Risk Aversion and the Endowment Effect: Behavioral Economics 101 For decades, economists have modeled human decision-making using the assumption that humans are rational and selfish. But if psychology can teach us anything, it is that humans are anything but ration... Milgram's Obedience to Authority Experiment 2009 1/3 Milgram's Obedience to Authority Experiment ... Three Minute Thesis: Eric VanEpps Eric VanEpps, Ph.D. candidate in Social and Decision Sciences, presents his Three Minute Thesis "Interventions for Healthy Eating: Evidence from Field Experiments."... Lani Watson's Three Minute Thesis - Why Ask Lani Watson from the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences presents her Three Minute Thesis entitled "Why Ask". Lani was the runner-up for this presentation.... Video Abstract Fortalezas Familiares en Español (Spanish) Fortalezas Familiares Program: Building Sociocultural and Family Strengths in Latina Women with Depression and Their Families. a community-based prevention program designed to address relati... YouTube Science Video The University of Newcastle (UoN) 2014 Three Minute Thesis Final – Ms Kate Bartlem, PhD (Psychology) - Changing practice: addressing physical health in mental health services.... Candice Graydon's 3 Minute Thesis at UWaterloo Candice Graydon's 3 Minute Thesis at UWaterloo - Multiline Slots: Can Losing be Reinforcing?
Department of Psychology... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)