Three Minute Thesis (3MT) 2013 QUT finalist - Ezieddin M Jaballah Elmahjub Ezieddin M Jaballah Elmahjub, Law School, Faculty of Law was a participant in QUT's 2013 competition. He spoke about his research on intellectual property in Islamic Shari'a and the development of a L... Pete West-Oram: University of Birmingham Three Minute Thesis Final (2013) Pete West-Oram, Department of Philosophy, winner of the 2013 Birmingham Three Minute Thesis competition, delivers his three-minute presentation explaining his PhD research on global health care justic... YouTube Science Video The University of Newcastle (UoN) 2014 Three Minute Thesis Final – Mr Arzal, PhD (Education) - Promoting Information Communication Technology (ICT) in English Classrooms through In-Service Teacher Pro... K. Yourie Kim's 3 Minute Thesis at UWaterloo K. Yourie Kim's 3 Minute Thesis at UWaterloo - "Discovering Entrepreneurial Intent: Application of an Expanded Model of Career Choice Motivation"... YouTube Science Video Anastasia Petrova, Honours student in the School of Psychology & Social Science at Edith Cowan University (ECU), presents her research on "Understanding the Needs of Parents of Children with ... Three Minute Thesis (Finals 2015) - Edmund Chow Three Minute Thesis (Finals 2015) - Edmund Chow - "Hands Off Afghanistan: The Soft Power Of Theatre?".... Toward a one-system account of human reasoning - Joshua Mugg, Ontario 3MT Joshua Mugg works in philosophy of psychology and mind. His research centres on human rationality and the nature of belief. In his dissertation, he criticizes dual-process theories of reasoning on bot... Carleton Grad Research on Autism Relationships Kojo Mintah is a Master of Arts: Psychology student at Carleton University. He is researching how to help people with autism improve their romantic relationships under the supervisor of Dr. Shelley E... The Intersection of Flow (Optimal Experience) and Meditation (Contemplative Practice) The Intersection of Flow (Optimal Experience) and Meditation (Contemplative Practice) - Our team is interested in learning how to promote flourishing psychological well-being across many contexts incl... YouTube Science Video The University of Newcastle (UoN) 2014 Three Minute Thesis Final – 2nd place - Mr Lee Ashton, PhD (Nutrition & Dietetics) - Can young men change their lifestyle? A novel way to improve health... Senay Cebioglu: Becoming Human, Developing Self-Awareness, 3MT 2015, SFU Senay Cebioglu: Becoming Human, Developing Self-Awareness, 3MT 2015, SFU - YouTube... University of Calgary Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) 2014 - David Sidhu University of Calgary Three Minute Thesis 2014 - David Sidhu - "The role of embodiment in the Bouba Kiki Effect".... Ning Hou's Three Minute Thesis presentation Ning Hou's Three Minute Thesis presentation - Her talk was titled "Impacts of Timing of Delivery on Cross-Cultural Training Effectiveness." Ning was the overall winner and People's Choice Aw... Jodie Burchell on why friends find it harder to forgive - Nov 09 You may hurt the ones you love but forgive and forget is much more likely apply in intimate relationships than it is to your friends, according to research results from
The study by Clinical Psychol... Carleton 3MT 2014 - Colin Capaldi Carleton 3MT 2014 - Colin Capaldi - His topic: Naturally Nice: Nature Exposure Promotes Concern for Others... Three Minute Thesis: Eric VanEpps Eric VanEpps, Ph.D. candidate in Social and Decision Sciences, presents his Three Minute Thesis "Interventions for Healthy Eating: Evidence from Field Experiments."... Video Game Expertise - Improving Attention & Multi-tasking: James Brooks, PhD student at ECU James Brooks, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) student in the School of Psychology & Social Science at Edith Cowan University (ECU), presents his research "Video Game Expertise: Improving sustained... Developmental Science: 123s and ABCs 123s and ABCs: developmental shifts in logarithmic-to-linear responding reflect fluency with sequence values, published in Developmental Science. In the current study, we provide evidence from both ch... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)