Plant-Based Drug Discovery: A Review of the Field, with Dr. Atanas Atanasov
For more information about plant-based drug discovery, see Dr. Atanasov's review, available in open access at:
Atanasov A.G., et al., Discovery and resupply o...
Gene Pathway selection using group lasso regularized logistic regression by Rui Jin:
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most frequent type of genetic variation between individuals, and re...
Biocoal - Maryam Akbari - University of Alberta. Landfilling biomass waste such as food waste or yard waste is illegal in many places. We are investigating processes of converting different types of w...
How Intelligent Cars Can Improve Driver Safety - Two Minute Thesis
How Intelligent Cars Can Improve Driver Safety - Two Minute Thesis. We learn about intelligent vehicles and driver safety from Rehabilitation Sciences doctoral student Nahom M. Beyene...
Language Identifier project for the Bilingual Annotation Task Force. Language mixing in natural speech. Kelsey Ball, Kristopher Novak, and Gualberto Guzman...
Closing the Gap Between What Scientists Know and What Policymakers Do: A Neuroscience-Based Framework for the Education of Vulnerable Children by Heather Wade - Recent advances in brain research hav...
My project involved a needs assessment for front line employees of the United States Census Bureau. As an instructional designer, I was tasked with creating a training solution for a problem that was...