Adapting Taylor series to fractional differential equations. Krishnasamy et al. "Numerical Solutions of Fractional Differential Equations by Using Fractional Taylor Basis." IEEE/CAA Journal ...
"The Secret Lives (and Deaths) of Stars" - Two-Minute Thesis
Hold onto your stellar companions! Ph.D candidate Or Graur (University of Tel Aviv/American Museum of Natural History) tells us w...
Tony Lin & Xiaoli Tian: How Online Debates Lead to Opinion Polarization
Why do online conversations often end in personal attacks and irrational arguments? This article examines how the technical layout of some online platforms shapes the way individuals engage in public ...
From Weak to Strong Ties: Unraveling the Dynamic Network of Professional Dance by Hillary Hecht: Dance professionals participated in a study extending the sociological model of strength of weak ties t...
COMPASS is a 3 year programme to respond and prevent violence against adolescent girls in humanitarian settings. The programme is implemented by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in DRC, Ethiop...
Bacteria can exchange their membrane proteins through extracellular vesicles. Sigal Ben-Yehuda and her group from Jerusalem University show that phages take advantage of this exchange and infect resis...
Charles Ozzoude, a master’s student in Health Science, Technology, and Policy, was a finalist in the 2017 3MT. His topic "The H-Factor: Health, Herbs, and the Need for Gardens at Hospitals"...