Elizabeth Engelhardt, professor and chair in the Department of American Studies, discusses the importance of collecting oral histories in American food culture....
Thinking Historically about Medieval Emotions. The recent focus on emotions in history raises numerous methodological questions. How are historians to approach texts that include emotions? This essay ...
Re-Forging the ‘Age of Iron’ Part I: The Tenth Century as the End of the Ancient World? The tenth century, once dismissed as an unpleasant ‘Age of Iron’, now receives increased attention as an import...
LSE Research | What going on holiday says about us
Dr Paul Stock from the International History department looks at how the Grand Tour of the 17th, 18th and 19th century has helped define holidaymaking today. He contends that the history of going on h...
Bartolomé de las Casas and the African Slave Trade
Bartolomé de las Casas and the African Slave Trade. A revisionist view of Bartolomé de las Casas as the ‘author’ of the introduction of African slaves to the Indies/Americas in the early 16th century....
A Conversation with Dean Ben Vinson III, East Meets West in Art with Mika Natif
Art has the power to unite people, nations, and cultures. Historians point to centuries of instances where artistic techniques, motifs, and images have influenced masterpieces—and societies—across bor...
Five interesting research abstracts in one video, 3 on history and 2 on Religion & Culture. Here is the line-up...
00:01 Michelle Filice, Department of History
03:09 Frank Maas, Department of His...