Switching of a Carbon Nanotube Chiral Junction Imaged with Nanometer Spatial Resolution Switching of a Carbon Nanotube Chiral Junction Imaged with Nanometer Spatial Resolution. Chiral junctions of carbon nanotubes have the potential of serving as optically or electrically controllable sw... Selective p- and n-doping of Colloidal PbSe Nanowires to Construct Optoelectronic Devices Selective p- and n-doping of Colloidal PbSe Nanowires to Construct Optoelectronic Devices - We report the controlled and selective doping of colloidal PbSe nanowire arrays to define pn junctions for e... Three Minute Thesis Ontario 2013 Runner Up - Abraham Heifets (University of Toronto) Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Ontario 2013 Runner Up -- Abraham Heifets (University of Toronto), presents his research "How can we make better medicines? Computer tools for chemistry" in 3 minut... Tuning the Luminescence Properties of Colloidal I-III-VI Semiconductor Nanocrystals... Tuning the Luminescence Properties of Colloidal I-III-VI Semiconductor Nanocrystals, by Haizheng Zhong, Zelong Bai, and BingSuo Zou from the Beijing Institute of Technology, discuss their Perspective... Fluorescence Tracking of Genome Release during the Mechanical Unpacking of Single Viruses Fluorescence Tracking of Genome Release during the Mechanical Unpacking of Single Viruses - Viruses package their genome in a robust protein coat to protect it during transmission between cells and or... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)