Effects of a structured 20-session SCP-based neurofeedback program – Video abstract [119694] Video abstract of original research paper “Effects of a structured 20-session slow-cortical-potential-based neurofeedback program on attentional performance in children and adolescents with attention-... Tit-for-Tat: Type VI Secretion System Counterattack during Bacterial Cell-Cell Interactions John Mekalanos and colleagues describe their surprising findings of the bacterial swordplay that occurs when P. aeruginosa is attacked by a type VI secretion system (T6SS) from a neighboring cell of a... Interprofessional communication in a socio-hierarchical culture - video abstract [ID 196873] Video abstract of original research paper “Interprofessional communication in a sociohierarchical culture: development of the TRI-O guide” published in the open access Journal of Multidisciplinary Hea... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)