The Hyperelliptic Integrals and $\pi $ The Hyperelliptic Integrals and pi by Giovanni Mingari Scarpello of the Dipartimento di Matematica per le scienze economiche e socialiviale... B&B: Irreversible electroporation cell density controlled electric fields B&B: Irreversible electroporation cell density controlled electric fields - YouTube... Purdue Agriculture Research: Bacteria Microphages Purdue Agriculture Research: Bacteria Microphages. Dr. Paul Ebner, a Purdue professor in the department of animal science, explains his research in the area of bacteria microphages. This particular ty... YouTube Science Video
The impact of type-1 interferon signalling in Parkinson's disease,
Bevan Main,
3nd year of study Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences - ... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)