What Do Virtual Objects Sound Like? | Two Minute Papers #41 What Do Virtual Objects Sound Like? | Two Minute Papers #41 ... On the addition of squares of units and nonunits modulo $n$ On the addition of squares of units and nonunits modulo $n$ - YouTube... Explicit Upper Bounds for the Stieltjes constants Explicit Upper Bounds for the Stieltjes constants by Eddin, Sumaia Saad from the
Laboratoire Paul Painlevé at the
Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille in France... Inorganic Material Science Group - Mark Huijben - 20 seconds science Inorganic Material Science Group - Mark Huijben - 20 seconds science - YouTube... Sums and differences of correlated random sets Sums and differences of correlated random sets by Do, Thao, Kulkarni, Archit, Miller, Steven J.*, Moon, David, and Wellens, Jake
*Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Williams College... Baseline and early changes in blood eosinophils in ARDS - Video abstract [ID 350856] Video abstract of an original research "Predictive value of the baseline and early changes in blood eosinophils for short-term mortality in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome"... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Computer Science
Research Methods