On multi-dimensional pseudorandom subsets On multi-dimensional pseudorandom subsets. We introduce measure for multi-dimensional pseudorandom subsets, and study the connection between measures of different orders. Large families of multi-dimen... ICES research video series: Natalie Coburn on gastric cancer management in Ontario A recent ICES study led by Dr. Natalie Coburn showed that Ontario patients being treated for gastric cancer receive different care depending on where they live. Dr. Coburn says the findings of this st... Believing the Big Bang - Bogdan Ghiorghiu (Romania - FameLab 2014 Intl Final) Believing the Big Bang - Bogdan Ghiorghiu (Romania - FameLab 2014 Intl Final) - YouTube... Lenstar LS900 biometer and Barrett toric calculator: clinical results – Video abstract 120414 Video abstract of original research paper “Clinical outcomes with toric intraocular lenses planned using an optical low coherence reflectometry ocular biometer with a new toric calculator” published i... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)