Virtual screening of electron acceptor materials for organic photovoltaic applications Virtual screening of electron acceptor materials for organic photovoltaic applications -
Introduction and background. Organic semiconductors (OSC) are a class of materials that have a wide range of e... Neuroscience and sign language - David Davila (France - FameLab 2014 Intl Final) Neuroscience and sign language - David Davila (France - FameLab 2014 Intl Final) - YouTube... B&B: Evaluation of the energy efficiency of enzyme fermentation by mechanistic modeling B&B: Evaluation of the energy efficiency of enzyme fermentation by mechanistic modeling - YouTube... Double percolation effects and fractal behavior in magnetic or superconducting hybrids Video abstract for the article ‘Double percolation effects and fractal behavior in magnetic/superconducting hybrids‘ by L Ruiz-Valdepeñas, M Vélez, F Valdés-Bango, L M Álvarez-Prado, J I Martín, E Nav... Pulsed cooperative backward emissions from non degenerate atomic transitions in sodium Video abstract for the article ‘Pulsed cooperative backward emissions from non-degenerate atomic transitions in sodium‘ by Jonathan V Thompson, Charles W Ballmann, Han Cai, Zhenhuan Yi, Yuri V Rostovt... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)