Inorganic Material Science Group - Mark Huijben - 20 seconds science Inorganic Material Science Group - Mark Huijben - 20 seconds science - YouTube... B&B: In silico maturation of binding-specificity of DNA aptamers against Proteus mirabilis B&B: In silico maturation of binding-specificity of DNA aptamers against Proteus mirabilis - YouTube... B&B: Fluid and cell behaviors along a 3D printed alginate/gelatin/fibrin channel B&B: Fluid and cell behaviors along a 3D printed alginate/gelatin/fibrin channel - YouTube... Efficacy and safety of two novel bipyrazole compounds – Video abstract [ID 157955] Video abstract of original research paper “Investigation of chronic efficacy and safety profile of two potential anti-inflammatory bipyrazolebased compounds in experimental animals” published in the o... Identifying patients from the Danish National Patient Registry - Video abstract [ID 353215] Video abstract of an original research "Importance of Reporting Complete Procedures of Identifying Patients from the Danish National Patient Registry: the Case of Neonatal Jaundice and Epilepsy&q... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Research Methods