Senay Cebioglu: Becoming Human, Developing Self-Awareness, 3MT 2015, SFU Senay Cebioglu: Becoming Human, Developing Self-Awareness, 3MT 2015, SFU - YouTube... On irrationality exponents of generalized continued fractions On irrationality exponents of generalized continued fractions - Hančl, Jaroslav, Leppälä, Kalle, Matala-aho, Tapani*, and Törmä, Topi
*Matematiikan Laitos
University of Oulu
Oulu, FINLAND... Systemic inflammation score following total mesorectal excision - Video abstract [ID 213720] Video abstract of an original research "Systemic inflammation score in locally advanced rectal cancer patients following total mesorectal excision” published in the open access journal OncoTarge... YouTube Science Video Mathematics MPhil/PhD student Stuart George explains his area of research in the mathematical modelling of the electro chemical processes that occur in nerve cells when they transmit signals.... Decision Trees and Boosting, XGBoost | Two Minute Papers #55 Decision Trees and Boosting, XGBoost | Two Minute Papers #55 ... Newman's conjecture in various settings Newman's conjecture in various settings by Andrade, Julio, Chang, Alan, and Miller, Steven J. from Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Williams College... Video Abstract cjfas-2013-0198 A spatial capture--recapture model to estimate fish survival... This video abstract accompanies the article: A spatial capture--recapture model to estimate fish survival and location from linear continuous monitoring arrays. by Joshua K. Raabe, Beth Gardner, Josep... Effects of switch from olanzapine to aripiprazole in schizophrenia – Video abstract [ID 80925] Video abstract of an original research paper “Effects of switching from olanzapine to aripiprazole on the metabolic profiles of patients with schizophrenia and metabolic syndrome: a double-blind, rand... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Computer Science