Feedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway Alexander van Oudenaarden and colleagues discuss their analysis of Wnt-activated Hox gene expression and find that an interdependent positive and negative feedback network within Wnt signaling ensures... Greater latanoprost IOP reduction measured by Goldmann tonometry - Video abstract [ID 264055] Video abstract of an original research "Improved Efficacy of Topical Latanoprost 0.005% Demonstrated by Corneal Biomechanical Correcting Modified Goldmann Prism" published in the open access... Concept map of dispositional humility in healthcare professionals - Video abstract [ID 206526] Video abstract of a review paper "Concept map of dispositional humility among professionals in an interdisciplinary healthcare environment: qualitative synthesis" published in the open acces... B&B: Advanced multivariate data analysis to determine the root cause of trisulfide bond formation... B&B: Advanced multivariate data analysis to determine the root cause of trisulfide bond formation. Product quality heterogeneities, such as a trisulfide bond (TSB) formation, can be influenced by... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)