On irrationality exponents of generalized continued fractions On irrationality exponents of generalized continued fractions - YouTube... YouTube Science Video The Stanford Prison Experiment, a dramatic simulation study of the psychology of imprisonment and one of the best known psychology experiments ever undertaken.Dr. Zimbardo takes us through the Stanfor... 7 Minute Dissertation - The Consequences of Predator Extinctions in the Ocean A presentation at the DISCCRS symposium of my dissertation in 7 minutes, with a special emphasis on climate change ramifications. Note, the acoustics in the room were not great. Thanks to the Urban Ma... Scope of practice review for triage and assessment of spinal disorders - Video abstract [97590] Video abstract of original research paper "Scope of practice review: providers for triage and assessment of spine-related disorders" published in the open access Journal of Multidisciplinar... Direct observation of spin-polarized surface states using photoemission spectroscopy Video abstract for the article 'Direct observation of spin-polarized surface states in the parent compound of a topological insulator using spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy in a Mot... B&B: Chemical and morphological gradient scaffolds to mimic hierarchically complex tissues B&B: Chemical and morphological gradient scaffolds to mimic hierarchically complex tissues - YouTube... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Climate Change