2010 Deakin University - Three Minute Thesis (3MT): Anthony Ware (Winner) Anthony Ware discusses his research on why Australia could double or even triple its aid to poverty stricken Myanmar (Burma) without compromising its political ideals... 3D Printing a Glockenspiel | Two Minute Papers #17 3D Printing a Glockenspiel | Two Minute Papers #17... Ritual Nepali Music - The Use of the Natural Trumpet by the Newar The use of the natural trumpet by the Newar (Kathmandu Valley, Nepal) is part of the research of ethnomusicologist Dr. Franck Bernède, who compares the musical repertoire associated with natural brass... Waad Al Khir - Famelab Interview 2018 (4) Waad Al Khir - Famelab Interview 2018... Korsakoff syndrome of psychiatric and alcoholic etiology - Video abstract [ID 203513] Video abstract of an original research "A patient with Korsakoff syndrome of psychiatric and alcoholic etiology presenting as DSM-5 mild neurocognitive disorder" published in the open access... Sensation and Perception: Crash Course Psychology #5 Sensation & Perception - Crash Course Psychology #5. Just what is the difference between sensing and perceiving? And how does vision actually work? And what does this have to do with a Corgi? In ... Terrain Generation With Deep Learning | Two Minute Papers #208 (1) Terrain Generation With Deep Learning | Two Minute Papers #208 ... Video Abstract: Infant's action skill dynamically modulates parental action demonstration This is a video abstract for the upcoming article in Developmental Science entitled "Infant's action skill dynamically modulates parental action demonstration in the dyadic interaction" by H... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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