Automatic Creation of Sketch Tutorials | Two Minute Papers #134 Automatic Creation of Sketch Tutorials | Two Minute Papers #134... TU Wien Rendering #30 - Dispersion and Spectral Rendering TU Wien Rendering #30 - Dispersion and Spectral Rendering... MtDNA in fresh vs frozen embryo culture media of PCOS patients - Video abstract [ID 284064] Video abstract of an original research "Mitochondrial DNA in Fresh Versus Frozen Embryo Culture Media of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome's Patients Undergoing Invitro Fertilization" published in... On Zumkeller Numbers On Zumkeller Numbers by Peng*, Yuejian and Rao**, K.P.S. Bhaskara from *School of Mathematics at Hunan University... 2D-DIGEas a strategy to identify serum protein biomarkers – Video abstract [ID 198559] Video abstract of original research paper 2D-DIGE as a strategy to identify serum protein biomarkers to monitor pharmacological efficacy in dopamine-dictated states of Parkinson disease and schizophre... Sums and differences of correlated random sets Sums and differences of correlated random sets by Do, Thao, Kulkarni, Archit, Miller, Steven J.*, Moon, David, and Wellens, Jake
*Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Williams College... Toward a one-system account of human reasoning - Joshua Mugg, Ontario 3MT Joshua Mugg works in philosophy of psychology and mind. His research centres on human rationality and the nature of belief. In his dissertation, he criticizes dual-process theories of reasoning on bot... Explicit Drinfeld Moduli Schemes and Abhyankar's Generalized Iteration Conjecture Explicit Drinfeld Moduli Schemes and Abhyankar's Generalized Iteration Conjecture - YouTube... Overall mortality and morbidity rates due to abortion in Ecuador - Video Abstract ID 129464 Video abstract of original research type paper “Abortion, an increasing public health concern in Ecuador, a 10-year population-based analysis” published in the open access journal Pragmatic and Obser... Preference for different relaxation techniques by COPD patients – Video abstract [113108] Video abstract of clinical trial report “Preference for different relaxation techniques by COPD patients: comparison between six techniques” published in the open access journal International Journal ... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Computer Science
Computer Science