Intestinal Tumorigenesis Initiated by Dedifferentiation and Acquisition of Stem-Cell-like Properties Florian Greten and colleagues explain why enhanced Wnt signaling causes postmitotic (non-stem) cells to dedifferentiate and reacquire stem cell characteristics, enabling the cells to initiate tumorige... Purdue Agriculture Research: Bacteria Microphages Purdue Agriculture Research: Bacteria Microphages. Dr. Paul Ebner, a Purdue professor in the department of animal science, explains his research in the area of bacteria microphages. This particular ty... Health Codes of Conduct: The Solution for Workplace Wellness that Has Been Missing Health Codes of Conduct: The Solution for Workplace Wellness that Has Been Missing - YouTube... Images of 2-adic representations associated to hyperelliptic Jacobians Images of 2-adic representations associated to hyperelliptic Jacobians - Yelton, Jeff*
Mathematics Department
The Pennsylvania State University... On $d$-complete sequences of integers On $d$-complete sequences of integers - YouTube... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Public Health