Capturing "Cool": Measures for Assessing Coolness of Technological Products Capturing "Cool": Measures for Assessing Coolness of Technological Products - YouTube... Deep Learning and Cancer Research | Two Minute Papers #64 Deep Learning and Cancer Research | Two Minute Papers #64... Tony Jebara, Professor Computer Science Tony Jebara, Associate Professor of Computer Science, describes the research of the Columbia Machine Learning Laboratory. Exploring the intersection of computer science and statistics, they work to ma... ee-As4S4 degraded BCR-ABL and induced erythroid differentiation - Video abstract [ID 207298] Video abstract of original research paper "Arsenic sulfide nanoformulation induces erythroid differentiation in chronic myeloid leukemia cells through degradation of BCR-ABL” published in the ope... Role of pharmacists in providing parenteral nutrition support – Video abstract [ID 117118] Video abstract of review paper “Role of the pharmacist in providing parenteral nutrition support: current insights and future directions” published in the open access journal Integrated Pharmacy Resea... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science