Classical Conditioning - Ivan Pavlov Behavior conditioning video with clips from Pavlov's original experiments with dogs... Exciton Energy and Charge Transfer in Porphyrin Aggregate/Semiconductor (TiO2) Composites Exciton Energy and Charge Transfer in Porphyrin Aggregate/Semiconductor (TiO2) Composites. In this video, Sandeep Verma and Hirendra N. Ghosh from the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai discuss the... Kaitlin Harkness: Yoga each day keeps the doctor away? | 3MT 2013 3MT 2013 Winner: Kaitlin Harkness (Psychology) | The University of Adelaide - Topic : Yoga each day keeps the doctor away?... Ultrasound-guided nerve hydrodissection for pain management - Video abstract [ID 247208] Video abstract of a review paper "Ultrasound-guided Nerve Hydrodissection for Pain Management: An Updated Review of Anatomy and Techniques" published in the open access Journal of Pain Resea... YouTube Science Video This program brings to life five of psychology's most significant studies: This video is of Ainsworth's Strange Situation Experiment, 1971 and 1978;... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)