3 Minute Thesis Physical Sciences and Engineering Faculty Heats - Deepak Jain Deepak Jain, PhD student at the Optoeclectronics Research Centre presents a 3 minute lecture on High Power Fibre Lasers in the faculty heats of the 3MT (3 Minute Thesis) competition.... Congruences for central binomial sums and finite polylogarithms Congruences for central binomial sums and finite polylogarithms by Mattarei and Tauraso* of the *Dipartimento di Matematica
Universit`a di Roma Tor Vergata... How to win at Rock Paper Scissors How to win at Rock Paper Scissors - YouTube... Post-Translational Modification of Bionanoparticles as a Modular Platform for Biosensor Assembly Post-Translational Modification of Bionanoparticles as a Modular Platform for Biosensor Assembly - Context driven biosensor assembly with modular targeting and detection moieties is gaining significan... Dietary patterns in relation to hepatic fibrosis among NAFLD patients – ID 198744 Video abstract of original research paper Dietary patterns in relation to hepatic fibrosis among patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease published in the open access Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrom... Vimeo Science Video Florian Bieber discusses his article: ‘Situational Nationalism: Nation-building in the Balkans, Subversive Institutions and the Montenegrin Paradox’ from Ethnopolitics... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Political Science