Google AI's Take on How To Fix Peer Review Google AI's Take on How To Fix Peer Review ... 5 minute Science Fair Entry - Rohit Sangaraju Inspired by the extremely sensitive environment sensing capabilities of snakes and some other animals, i decided to create a device that could catch vibrations produced by moving objects or people and... Artificial Superintelligence [Audio only] | Two Minute Papers #29 Artificial Superintelligence [Audio only] | Two Minute Papers #29 ... Complete classification of 3-multisets up to combinatorial equivalence Complete classification of 3-multisets up to combinatorial equivalence -... Critical evaluation of drug advertisements in a Nepal medical college - Video abstract [ID 259708] Video abstract of an original research "Critical evaluation of drug advertisements in a medical college in Lalitpur, Nepal" published in the open access Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthca... The Creative Dolphin: What Dolphins Do When Asked to Vary Their Behavior The Creative Dolphin: What Dolphins Do When Asked to Vary Their Behavior. The variability of dolphin behavior is evident in their communication, foraging, and play. Dolphins can also vary their behavi... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Computer Science
Computer Science