Entrepreneurship Prize Award SEAS Student R&D Showcase 2013 Entrepreneurship Prize 2013 - Mr. Yash Jain and Mr. William Murphy;
Advisor: Professor Michael Keidar - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering;
Propagation of a cold atmospheric plas... Comparison of NAT and AT treatments in HER2-enriched BC patients - Video abstract [ID 208319] Video abstract of a review paper "Do early HER2-overexpression breast cancer patients benefit from undergoing neoadjuvant trastuzumab and mastectomy? A meta-analysis” published in the open access... Rosette nanotubes for drug encapsulation and slow release - Video abstract: 18755 Video abstract of review paper "Self-assembled rosette nanotubes encapsulate and slowly release dexamethasone" published in the open access International Journal of Nanomedicine by Yupeng Ch... YouTube Science Video Running Cool Cornell Pilot Studies on Eating Behavior - YouTube... Factors influencing prostate cancer management preferences – Video abstract 83333 Video abstract of a review paper “Factors that influence patient preferences for prostate cancer management options: a systematic review” to be published in the journal of Patient Preference and Adher... YouTube Science Video The diameter measuring technique based on capacitive probe for deep hole or oblique hole... Crimes of the light bulb - Matilda Hay (FameLab 2014 UK Final) Matilda Hay - YouTube... TU Wien Rendering #5 - The Fresnel Equation and Schlick's Approximation TU Wien Rendering #5 - The Fresnel Equation and Schlick's Approximation ... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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