Exercising can boost your memory - Lyl Tomlinson (USA - FameLab 2014 Intl Final) Exercising can boost your memory - Lyl Tomlinson (USA - FameLab 2014 Intl Final) - YouTube... Simulating Wet Sand | Two Minute Papers #160 (1) Simulating Wet Sand | Two Minute Papers #160... B&B: A novel Bxb1 integrase RMCE system for high fidelity site-specific integration A novel Bxb1 integrase RMCE system for high fidelity site-specific integration. As CHO cell line development for biotherapeutic production becomes more sophisticated through the availability of the CH... Denominators of Algebraic Numbers in a Number Field Denominators of Algebraic Numbers in a Number Field - YouTube... Quantum fluctuations in the Universe - Michelle Knights (South Africa - FameLab 2013 Intl Final) Michelle Knights FameLab 2013 Intl Final - YouTube... 2013 Univesity of Waterloo 3MT finalist: Shoeleh Shams Presentation title: Land Disturbances Impacts on Water Quality and Treatability
Shoeleh Shams, PhD candidate, Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering gives her Three Minute Thesis (3MT) presentation... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Computer Science