MAD treatment with CPAP pressure and polysomnographic phenotype - Video abstract [ID 351027] Video abstract of an original research "Prediction of mandibular advancement device response using CPAP in different polysomnographic phenotypes" published in the open access journal Nature ... B&B: Automated detection of whole-cell mitochondrial motility Video Highlight from Judith Kandel, Philip Chou and David M. Eckmann on their recently published B&B paper entitled "Automated detection of whole-cell mitochondrial motility and its dependenc... YouTube Science Video Simulating an in vitro experiment on nanoscale communications by using BiNS2 ... Influence of learning style preferences in academic performance - Video abstract [ID 198878] Video abstract of an original research "Influence of learning-style preferences in academic performance in the subject of human anatomy: an institution-based study among preclinical medical stude... B&B: Non-destructive Label-free Continuous Monitoring of In Vitro Chondrogenesis B&B: Non-destructive Label-free Continuous Monitoring of In Vitro Chondrogenesis - YouTube... Purdue Agriculture Research: Bacteria Microphages Purdue Agriculture Research: Bacteria Microphages. Dr. Paul Ebner, a Purdue professor in the department of animal science, explains his research in the area of bacteria microphages. This particular ty... YouTube Science Video Famelab Ireland - What's It All About? (Short Version) ... Social phobia and its impact on QoL among undergraduate students - Video abstract [ID 254002] Video abstract of an original research "Social phobia and its impact on quality of life among regular undergraduate students of Mettu University, Mettu, Ethiopia” published in the open access jou... YouTube Science Video Librarians: Open Science Liaisons - Anneliese Taylor, UCSF Library, Open Access Week 2015 - YouTube... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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