The love story of borane - Jiri Dolansky (Czech Republic - FameLab 2013 Intl Final) Jiri Dolansky - YouTube... Our fight against bacteria - Tran Nguyen (Germany - FameLab 2013 Intl Final) Tran Nguyen - YouTube... Doing Anthropology Cultural Anthropology is a social science that explores how people understand - and act in - the world. But what, exactly, is it that Cultural Anthropologists do? How do they approach their research? ... TU Wien Rendering #6 - Snell's Law and Total Internal Reflection TU Wien Rendering #6 - Snell's Law and Total Internal Reflection ... BIOS Lab on a Chip - Lennart de Vreede and Paul ter Braak - 20 seconds science BIOS Lab on a Chip - Lennart de Vreede and Paul ter Braak - 20 seconds science - YouTube... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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