10 Dmitry Kopelyanskiy Switzerland Famelab Final 2018 (3) 10 Dmitry Kopelyanskiy Switzerland Famelab Final 2018 -... On the addition of squares of units and nonunits modulo $n$ On the addition of squares of units and nonunits modulo $n$. By Yang, Quan-Hui* and Tang, Min
*School of Mathematics and Statistics
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Nanjing 2... Vimeo Science Video Holding The Genome Hostage: Dance Your PhD 2014. In the Bank of the Genome, DNA base pairs (A, T, G, C) go about their daily lives, making withdrawals or deposits (controlling when genes are expressed... A New Mechanism for Bile Acid Diarrhea: Defective Feedback Inhibition of Bile Acid... Dr. Julian Walters discusses his manuscript "A New Mechanism for Bile Acid Diarrhea: Defective Feedback Inhibition of Bile Acid Biosynthesis." To view the pr...... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
Computer Science