Distribution of cusp sections in the Hilbert modular orbifold Distribution of cusp sections in the Hilbert modular orbifold - YouTube... Assembly and Functions of a Viral Polymer that Inactivates Multiple Tumor Suppressors Clodagh O'Shea and colleagues describe how they used a combination of ultrastructural, crystallography, and biochemical studies to show that the adenoviral protein E4-ORF3 forms a multivalent polymer ... Risk Aversion and the Endowment Effect: Behavioral Economics 101 For decades, economists have modeled human decision-making using the assumption that humans are rational and selfish. But if psychology can teach us anything, it is that humans are anything but ration... Psychological Research: Crash Course Psychology #2 Psychological Research - Crash Course Psychology #2. So how do we apply the scientific method to psychological research? Lots of ways, but today Hank talks about case studies, naturalistic observation... Hiding in Plain Sight: Mimicry in a Juvenile Deep-Sea Squid Hiding in Plain Sight: Mimicry in a Juvenile Deep-Sea Squid. Ben Burford, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute;
Kyra Schlining, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute... Intellectual functioning within boys with HFASD and ADHD - Video Abstract ID 136477 Video abstract of original research paper “Intelligence profiles of Chinese school-aged boys with high-functioning ASD and ADHD” published in the open access journal Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treat... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)